

(Event Production)

Theoretical submission for the Japanese Design Competition NTT DoCoMo 2006
by Timothée Boitouzet, Younes Diouri, Olivier Lacombe and Antoine Maitre

"The places of present-day architecture cannot repeat the permanencies produced by the force of Vitruvian firmitas. The effects of duration, stability, and defiance of time's passing are now irrelevant. The idea of place as the cultivation and maintenance of the essential and the profound, of a genius loci, is no longer credible in an age of agnosticism; it becomes reactionary.
Yet the loss of these illusions need not necessarily result in a nihilistic architecture of negation. From thousand different sites the production of place continues to be possible. Not as revelation of something existing in permanence, but as the production of an event."

Ignasi de Sola-Morales, Differences, Harvard Design Magazine (Fall 1997)


Competition Theme:

What new kinds of public space exist in a society sustained by ambient intelligence (ubiquitous computing)?

Public spaces are places for communication between people and things. What public spaces appear when new communications have arisen in a society that has d

eveloped ubiquitous computing technology (ambient intelligence)? We are calling for proposals for these immanent new spaces. A "mobile" is not limited to the function of making telephone calls, but has come to be used for communication between person and person,

between person and thing, between thing and thing, and its appearance has undergone great changes. As a result, it is a personal surrogate that enables a variety of services and communications with things. Taking the “mobile" as a new communication tool, its current form is perhaps incongruous.

Our proposition was a critical utopia, a childish vision of a world where communication ad space has nothing to do together. You can live physically disconnected from the others.

Is this nightmare's world, the body loses his utility. By a proposition an architecture/landscape planning of physical events, we come back to the basics of architecture as a physical feeling, as a body apprehension. To express this idea, the reader will go through a physical apprehension of the pannel through the use of 3d glasses he has to tear off from the submission.

And here is the submission (the pannel is opening itself by tearing off the glasses).

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